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We Need You!

Welcome to the St Marys Music Foundation! We are a group of volunteers dedicated to supporting the music programs in our schools. Our focus is on helping students enhance their musical talents and reach their goals. We believe strongly in the importance of parental involvement in our efforts. By joining our community, you can get to know other parents and contribute to making a meaningful difference in the lives of our students. If you’re passionate about music and want to make a positive impact on the next generation, we invite you to connect with us today!



Our biggest fundraiser of the year is a fun-filled event where students showcase their music talents to the community. The energy of the event is contagious, and it's always great to see the students having fun while demonstrating their skills. We're always looking for volunteers to help us ensure the success of this event. Get in touch with us to see how you can get involved!



Our fundraising efforts have been successful in the past with the rental of parking spaces to hockey game patrons on Flames game nights. However, we need the assistance of parents to make sure that these fundraising activities continue successfully. Available dates and times are as follows:


November 30 (Thursday) at 7 pm

December 2 (Saturday) at 8 pm

January 20 (Saturday) at 8 pm

February 22 (Thursday) at 7 pm

March 12 (Tuesday) at 7 pm

March 24 (Sunday) at 7 pm


Helping Hands

Even if you can't commit to volunteering on a regular basis, we would greatly appreciate any time you can spare. Your contributions - no matter how small - can make a big difference in the lives of young musicians. Contact us today to learn more about how you can support our foundation and help us continue to bring the joy of music to children in our community.

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